Announcement for the Week
1. Today, Sunday 17th July communities under Fr Frank Fernandes will be celebrating their parents and grand-parents day after the evening Mass.
2. Catechism classes are held after the 8.15 a.m. Mass on Sundays. Kindly note Sunday-School attendance is compulsory.
3. This is the last call for those in Std. IV & Std. XI, if you have not yet enrolled for *First Holy Communion* or *Confirmation*; please do so by *Thursday 21st July 2022* during Parish Office-Hours.
4. Confirmation Classes will begin from *Sunday 24th July 2022 at 4.00 pm. All those registered are needed to be present.
5. The Marriage-Encounter Mumbai invites all married couple to attend a residential weekend from *23rd to 24th July 2022* at Canossa Convent, Andheri. To register please call Milton 9324391596 or Annie 9820192737.
6. There will be no Bible Class during this month.
7. Online Bible quiz will be conducted on *31st July 2022, from the books of *1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy*. For further details please contact Fr Anto.
Rev. Fr Colman Carlos
Parish Priest.