1. Tomorrow / Today is the Fourth Sunday in Advent.
2. Registration process for daily week day masses has been discontinued.
Registration for Saturday evening mass, Sunday masses and First Friday evening mass will continue.
3. Confessions will be heard today and tomorrow / today from 5.00 PM onwards. Priests will be coming from out.
4. Christmas Mass timings will be as follows :
24.12.21 : Christmas Eve Mass : 6.00 PM in Tamil and 8.00 PM in English
25.12.21 : Christmas Day Mass Timings :
7.00 AM in Konkani, 8.30 AM in English, 10.00 AM in Tamil.
From 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM there will be Communion distribution.
There will be no evening Mass.
Kindly note due to restriction still in place, admission for Christmas Mass will be on registration only. All the masses will be telecasted live.
There will be a Marathi Mass at 10.00 AM in the Parish hall on Christmas day.
5. Ignorance of Bible is ignorance of Christ. Let’s read the Bible & know Christ better. The Bibles are available at a subscribed rate of Rs. 300/ English & Rs. 200/ for Tamil at the help desk.
6. From Tuesday, the 21st December onwards calendars can be collected from the office during the office hours.
Rev. Dr. Francis Carvalho
Parish Priest