1. Kindly note there will be no Sunday School today & next Sunday, 19 November. Sunday School will resume on 26 November, 2023.
2. There will be a Get-Together of the Senior-Citizens on Saturday the 18 November at the school-basement from 4: 30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. Registration can be done with the members sitting at the help-Desk today & tomorrow after every mass & on Week-days after the 7.00 p.m. Evening mass. The last day for registration is Thursday, 16 November.
3. The Bombay Catholic Sabha announces Academic Excellence Awards & New-Voters Enrolment Drive. Forms are available after every mass, on Sundays, with the volunteers at their Help-Desk.
4. The BCS will be carrying out a signature campaign against attacks & vandalism on Christian Institution & Religious places. For details kindly refer our Notice-Board.
5. There is a shortage of lectors for the Sunday-Masses. Interested parishioners please contact Fr. Nelson.
6. Inter-Parish Events for the Youth are being held at Orlem, Malad & at Thane, St. John the Baptist Church. Those Youth who would like to take part in Solo or Duet or Group Events at Orlem-Youth-Week & Johannine -Youth Fest may contact the Parish Youth Core Group members to register.
7. Our Parish is accepting masses which will be celebrated privately by any Priest or at any Mission Station. Parishioners' intent offering such Masses may please approach the Parish Office.
Rev. Fr. Colman Carlos,Â
Parish PriestÂ
Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary
Goregaon (West)