20TH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR – JUSTICE SUNDAY Sunday Notices 19th August 2018
Youth meeting will be held tomorrow / today after the evening Mass in the Parish Hall.
The Managing Committee meeting of Bombay Catholic Sabha will be held tomorrow / today at 11.30 a.m. in the room next to the Parish Office.
Members of RSSK and Women Cell will meet tomorrow / today after the evening Mass in the room next to the Parish Office.
Get-together for Sr. Citizens will be held on Thursday, 23rd August at 5.00 p.m. on the ground floor of the school building.
Domestic Workers will meet on Sunday, 26th August after the evening Mass in the room next to the Parish Office.
Novena to the Nativity of our Lady will begin from Thursday, 30th August. As usual, those who would like to sponsor sweets for the children can give their contribution at the Parish Office.
Rev. Dr. Francis Carvalho Parish Priest