1. Today is the First Sunday in Advent. 2. Registration process for daily week day Masses has been discontinued. Registration for Saturday evening Mass, Sunday Masses and First Friday evening Mass will continue. From tomorrow, Monday, 29th November 2021, weekday Morning Mass will be at 6.30 AM. 3. Sunday School and First Holy Communion classes are held online. Confirmation classes are held in the Parish hall from 4.00 PM to 5.30 PM. Parents please ensure their presence. 4. Charismatic Prayer Meeting resumes as follows : - On Monday after 7.00 PM evening Mass in English
- On Thursday after 7.00 PM evening Mass in Tamil 5. First Holy Communion will be next Sunday, 5th December at 04.30 p.m. Mass. 6. Today Rosarian youth will be conducting online Bible Quiz on the Gospel of John on at 4.00 p.m 7. There will be singing practice for Cantors on Saturday, 04th December 2021 after evening Mass. 8. Rosarian Youth of our Parish will be organizing Paper-Drive, kindly be generous. 9. Henceforth, Funeral Mass will be celebrated in the Church. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, both prayer at home & cemetery will be conducted in the Church itself. 10. Parish is conducting a Census. The Animators will be visiting your home for taking census kindly co-operate. 11. Vehicle-parking for those who come for Mass is permitted. Kindly follow the instructions of the Welcome Ministry. 12. Retreat to Potta, Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor, has been arranged. For further details: contact Mary Alfred, Mobile No. 8369274256 or Parish Office. 13. Those who have subscribed for Examiner kindly collect your copy from the Parish Office. 14. Those who would like to have copy of Bible Diary for the year 2022, kindly register your name in the Parish office by 30.11.2021, with the amount : For English : Rs 180/-Tamil : Rs 140/-; Hindi : Rs 160/-; Marathi : Rs 200/-. Konkani diaries will also be made available. 15. Kindly note henceforth all cheques, Donations to the Church & Community Welfare Fund should be drawn in the name of "PARISH OF OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY" Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis Carvalho
Parish Priest