1) School re-opens tomorrow Monday, June 14, 2021
2) Sunday School begins from next Sunday, 20th June 2021.
3) First Holy Communion for Std. 4th: Registrations at the Parish office. Come with your Baptism and Parents marriage certificate copy.
4) Confirmation class: Registrations at the Parish office. Come with your Baptism and Parents marriage certificate copy.
5) Bible Classes will be online. Classes will be begin from Sunday, 20th June 2021 at 7PM. For registrations contact Deacon Tony
6) Session for those who want to become Catholic i.e joining the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) candidate. Contact / meet any of the priest or Deacon Tony regarding the registrations.
7) Parish Council meeting was held on Saturday, 12th June 2021 at 8:00 PM. The year plan (tentative) and portfolios has been presented to the PPC members.
8) SCC Meetings can be held online and inform your spiritual director regarding the same before organising the meeting.