Announcement for the Week
1. Next Sunday, 7th August 2022 is Vianney Sunday. A second collection will be made for the Clergy Fund.
2. Today’s evening Mass will be conducted by the Rosarian Youth Group. Parents are requested to participate in this Eucharist celebration.
3. Online Bible quiz will be conducted today at 4.00 PM.
4. On 05th August 2022, First Friday, there will be Holy half-hour adoration at 5.30 PM in Tamil, 6.00 PM in Konkani and 6.30 PM in English.
5. Bible classes begin from 07th August 2022 after the evening Mass.
6. Confirmation Classes are held every Sunday, at 4.00 PM in the Parish Hall. All those registered should attend.
7. Youth meetings are held every Sunday after the 6.00 PM Mass in the Parish Hall. Requesting the youth of the Parish to join the Youth Ministry.
8. Rosarian youth group are organizing Monsoon Madness – Assumption Cup on 15th August 2022, after 11.00 AM Mass. Registrations can be done at the desk outside after all the masses on Sundays and in the evenings on Weekdays with a fee of Rs 100/- per person. Last day for registration is 10th August 2022.
9 . Parishioners are requested not to enter the Sacristy before and after the Mass without any due reason.
Rev. Fr Colman Carlos
Parish Priest.