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Sunday Notices - 27th December 2020

1. Dear parishioners, we have received directives from the government as well as from the Archbishop regarding our masses. We had an emergency executive meeting with the committee on 23rd December 2020. Hence the masses in the church stand cancelled.

Online mass continues.

On 31st December Mass is as follows:

6 pm in Tamil

8 pm in English

Kindly note on 1st January 2021 there will be NO MASS since it is not a day of obligation.

2. If anyone wants to avail of the Sacrament of Confession, you may contact any priest for an appointment.

3. We have started Bible Class in our Parish those who would like to attend kindly note the timing is from 7.30 to 8.30 pm. in the Parish Hall every Sunday however there will be no Bible Class Today i.e. 27th December 2020.

4. RCIA classes have started from 13th December 2020 at 11.30 am in the Parish Hall.

5. Kindly note those who have given their names for Tamil & English Bible Diary, kindly come & collect the same from Parish office.

6. Mass Diary for the year 2021 has arrived, booking for the masses has to be done a month before to the date e.g. if you want to book a mass for January 27 you can book on Dec 27.

7. Calendars are being distributed to all families in the parish. Please collect your copy from the Parish Office.

8. Examiner Christmas issue has arrived those who have subscribed may kindly collect the same from Parish office.

Rev. Dr. Francis Carvalho

Parish Priest


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