Announcement for the Week
1. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. On Thursday, 23rd June 2022, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Birth of St John the Baptist.
3. On Friday, 24th June 2022 , we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
4. Next Sunday, 26th June 2022 is Laity Sunday. We request all Parish Councilors and Heads of the Parish Associations, Cells and Groups to attend the 11.00 AM Mass where we will specially pray for them during the mass.
5. Kindly note from 26th June 2022, Sunday Mass timings are as follows :
- 7.00 AM - in Konkani
- 8.15 AM - Children Mass in English
- 9.30 AM - in Tamil
- 11.00 AM - in English
- 6.00 PM - in English
6. Please note the Chapel timings are from 7.00 AM to 12.00 Noon and 4.00 PM to 8.00 PM.
7. Charismatic Prayer Meetings have begun and are held after the Evening Mass:
- in English on Mondays
- in Hindi on Tuesdays and
- in Tamil on Thursdays
8. Sunday School Catechism begins today after 8.30 AM Mass. Kindly note Sunday School attendance is compulsory.
9. Parents of children in Std IV (Four) MUST fill their First Holy Communion application form during this week, from Tuesday, 14 June to Saturday, 18 June. Please contact the office personally during office hours only.
10. Students of Std X (Ten) going to Std XI (Eleven) must come personally and collect their application forms for Confirmation from the office from Tuesday, 14 June to Saturday, 18 June, during office hours.
11. Children from Std V (Five) onwards who wish to be Altar Servers are requested to attend the Altar Server’s Meeting on Thursday, 23rd June at 10.00 AM.
12. Kindly note timings for funeral mass are as follows:
In the morning at 9.30 AM and in the evening at 4.00 PM.
13. Annual General Body Meeting of the Bombay Catholic Sabha, Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Unit, will be held today at 10.30 AM in the school basement. The agenda of the meeting is put on the Church notice board.
Rev. Fr Colman Carlos
Parish Priest