THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Sunday Notices 15th December 2019
Tomorrow/Today is the third Sunday in Advent.
The Bible Diary 2020 has arrived. Kindly collect your family copy personally from the Church Office. Please note only one diary per family will be given.
Admission to Aquinas International School for the year 2020-21 is open for Nursery Prep I & II, Grade I to VII. There are vacancies for teachers for English, Science, Mathematics & Computer. Those interested kindly submit a handwritten application with certificates to the Aquinas International School Office.
Kindly note all appointments for Liturgy are put up on the Notice Board near to the Sacristy.
The Bombay Catholic Sabha is having membership drive, for further details please look up to the banner displayed in front of the Church.
Please hurry and register at the Parish Office for the “Evening of Carol” on Sunday, 22nd December. It is open for all the Parishioners and no registration charges. Last day for registration is 19th December.
Confessions in preparation for Christmas will be from the 19 to the 21 of December from 5.30 pm onwards.
December 24 Christmas eve Services will be on the school ground as follows: 06.00 p.m. Carol singing in Tamil 06.30 p.m. Mass in Tamil 08.00 p.m. Carol singing in English 08.30 p.m. Mass in English December 25 Christmas day, Masses will be as on Sundays, except that there will be No Mass in evening.
Sunday School children will be having Christmas party on Sunday 5th January from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Domestic Workers Christmas Party will be on Sunday, 29th December at 4.00 p.m. on the ground floor of the school building. Registration can be done with the RSSK Members near our Church Office & the amount is Rs.20/.
December 31 New Year eve the services will be in the Church as follows: 9.30 p.m. Holy half-hour in Tamil 10.00 p.m. Mass in Tamil 11.30 p.m. Holy Half Hour in English 12.00 Midnight Mass in English
January 1 is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Masses will be like Sunday, kindly note there will be no Evening Mass.
Family Cell has organized a Get-Together for the RCIA on 12 January at 4.00 pm.
Community Coordinators & PPC members are requested to submit the Quarterly Report of their community for the months of October, November and December in the Parish Office by the end of December.
Rev. Dr. Francis Carvalho
Parish Priest