1. Today there will be a Mass in Marathi at 10.15 AM in the school basement.
2. Today is *Holy Childhood Sunday*. Kindly note there will be a second collection for the Holy Childhood Association.
3. In view of World Marriage Day on 14th February, the Eucharistic Prayer Group invites all those married and also those who intend to get married, for a talk on *“Faith in Marriage”* on Monday, 13th February 2023, after the evening Mass.
4. There will be S.C.C. Rally on Sunday, 19th February, 2023, after the evening Mass.
5. The envelopes for Campaign against Hunger and Disease may be dropped in the box kept in the Church.
6. Situations for the Post of 2 Gents’ House-keeping staff are available in the St. Thomas Academy. Those desiring may please give their resume addressed to the Manager to the school office.
7. St. Thomas Church, Goregaon East, is organizing a Lenten Gospel Concert on *Saturday 25th Feb 2023*. Details are on the banner displayed.
8. Fr. Colman will be on retreat from Sunday, 12th February 2023 afternoon to Saturday 18th February 2023 evening. In his absence Fr. Anto will be the acting Parish Priest.
Rev. Fr Colman Carlos
Parish Priest