Sunday Notices 3rd June 2018
Pre-Baptism catechesis for parents expecting their first child will be held tomorrow / today from 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. All those who have registered are requested to attend.
Meeting of Lectors will be held on Tuesday, 5th June in the Church after the 7.00 p.m. Mass. The existing Lectors as well as those who would like to join are requested to attend.
Members of Family Cell will meet on Saturday, 9th June after the evening Mass in the Parish Hall.
The annual training for all the Parish Councilors and Community Coordinators will be held on Sunday, 17th of June from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. at Goregaon Seminary. Kindly register your name by paying a refundable amount of Rs.100.00 before Friday, 15th June 7.00 p.m.
Parents of children in Std III are requested to register the name of the child in the Parish Office for First Holy Communion before Sunday, 10th June with following documents: Marriage Certificate & child’s Baptism Certificate.
Mass intentions for the period July to December 2018 will be accepted in the Parish Office from Monday, 4th June 2018. In order to give equal opportunity to all the parishioners, initially only 3 intentions per family will be accepted. Evening Mass, except Tuesdays, can be booked only one month in advance. Preference will be given for First Death Anniversary and Month’s Mind and if available for others.
Yoga classes will resume from Friday, 15th June. Those interested can register at the Parish Office.
Sophia College for Women invites Catholic girl students to apply for admission to the Junior and Degree College. There is 50% reservation for Catholics. Please see the Notice Board for details.
The Laity Training Centre, Marol is organizing three courses for lay people – TOA (Training of SCC Animators), 3M (Making Marriage Meaningful) and BCS (Basic Counseling Skills). Please see the Notice Board for details.
Divine Child Polytechnic offers various courses for the academic year 2018-2019. For details please see the Notice Board.
Repair work of the terrace is nearing completion and we thank all the parishioners for the prayers and financial support. We depend on your continued support to bring the entire work to its completion.
Rev. Dr. Francis Carvalho
Parish Priest