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Sunday, 16th April 2017


Sunday Notices 16th April 2017

  1. Tomorrow’s / Today’s Masses will be as follows:

  • 07.00 a.m. (Konkani)

  • 08.00 a.m. (English)

  • 09.00 a.m. (Tamil) &

  • 10.30 a.m. (English)

  • No Mass in the Evening

  1. We urge parishioners not to rush for Holy Water after the service. Holy Water will be made available throughout the Easter week at the entrance of the Church.

  2. Sunday, 23rd April is the feast of Divine Mercy.

  3. Kindly return the Lenten Alms envelopes with your contribution as soon as possible.

  4. Pre-Baptism catechesis for parents expecting their first child will be held on 23rd and 30th April from 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Those interested to participate can bring copy of Marriage certificate and register their names at the Parish Office.

  5. VBJ for children from Std I to Std IX will be held from Monday, 24th April to Saturday, 29th April 2017. Registration can be done at the desk outside against payment of Rs.50.00 per student.

  6. Domestic Workers will meet on Sunday, 23rd April at 5.00 p.m. in the room next to the Parish Office.

  7. The Rendezvous program for unmarried Catholic singles will be held on Sunday, 7th May 2017 at St. Pius Seminary, Goregaon (East) from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. For further details, kindly see the Notice Board.

Rev. Dr. Francis Carvalho

Parish Priest


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