O most Holy Virgin,
You were chosen to become the Mother of Jesus. Permit me your devoted client to praise you for this unique privilege. O tender Mother and Comfortress of the afflicted grant me the special protection which you have promised to those who venerate you. Relying on the infinite mercies of your Divine Son trusting on His promises that those who ask would receive and penetrated with confidence in your powerful intercession I most humbly entreat you to obtain for me the favours which I petition for in this novena
if it is the holy will of God or else whatever graces I most stand in need of (Here specify your request)
In veneration of the love and joy with which your heart was replenished when the "Word was made Flesh in your womb".
I offer you the sentiments of my heart. (Here recite three Hail Marys) O mother of God, accept these salutations in union with the veneration with which the Angel Gabriel first hailed you "Full of Grace". I wish most sincerely that these may become so many gems in the crown of your celestial glory.
Mother Mary to your keeping Soul and body we confide. Toiling, resting, walking, sleeping Be you ever at our side. Cares that vex us joys that please us, Life and death we trust in you You make yours all for Jesus And for all eternity. Amen.