1. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of The Epiphany of the Lord.
2. Next Sunday is Vocation Sunday.
A program entitled SEMEX “a come and see” experience is being organized from Friday, 13th evening to Sunday 15th at the Seminary. Those discerning a vocation may please read the poster on the notice board or meet any at the Parish team.
3. Sunday School resumes on 15th January 2023.
4. Today is First Holy Communion in our Parish at 11.00 AM Mass.
5. The envelopes for Campaign against Hunger and Disease may be dropped in the box kept in the Church.
6. A talk on the issues of Sexuality Affecting Youth in today's time will be organized by the Rosarian Youth Group on 22nd January 2023, from 10 am to 12 noon, in the parish hall, which is open for youth from ages 16-28 yrs. The registration link for this will be shared via WhatsApp.
7. Our online admission for Jr. Kg has started. Kindly refer to our banner displayed.
8. On 15th January 2023, we celebrate Pongal after the evening Mass. Today is the last day for registration.
Kindly note there will be no parking in the Church campus in the evening on this day.
Rev. Fr Colman Carlos
Parish Priest