Sunday Notices 12th October 2017
(Only for Sat) Members of the Family Cell will meet this evening after the Mass in the Parish Hall.
Members of Welcome Ministry will meet tomorrow / today at 11.30 a.m. in the room next to the Parish Office.
The Bombay Catholic Sabha will be doing a presentation on the topic “Make a Will” tomorrow / today at 11.30 a.m. on the ground floor of the school building.
Session on Preventive Health Care will be held on Sunday, 19th November at 5.00 p.m. on the ground floor of the school building.
Members of RSSK and Women Cell will meet on Sunday, 19th November after the evening Mass in the room next to the Parish Office.
Sunday, 26th November is the Solemnity of Jesus Christ, the Universal King. During the day, at four locations mentioned below, we will be having Holy Hour with Benediction and then come in procession to the Church compound for Sermon and solemn Benediction. The four areas are: (Click here to view the areas & timings) During the procession, kindly follow the instructions of the Ushers and walk prayerfully in twos either by singing hymns or by praying the rosary so as to avoid traffic jams.
The Holy Father has declared Sunday, 19th November as “World Day of the Poor”. The Archdiocese of Mumbai is celebrating this endeavour by launching the ACTS (Actively Called To Serve) Project. Two types of donation bags will come to us on 15th November from the Archdiocese. After that you can collect the same from your PPC member or Community Coordinator and return the same with your contribution from 16th to 26th November. For details, please see the Notice Board.
Rev. Dr. Francis Carvalho
Parish Priest